Tom Petty You Dont Know How It Feels Raven Snow

  1. karen pleasanton

    You don't no how information technology feels. 👊 lets roll another joint

  2. Hector Rod

    Why window ain't ing c upwards freedom beautiful xo

  3. Brandy Webb

    Youre right, i dont know how y'all feel beginning mitt, because ive never felt obsessive over whatever female person that wasnt mine. Baby do you know how many times ive been rejected? A lot, and not once did i stalk and harass them the style you did me. Im tired of unhappily married broads looking at me every bit their salvation from their no longer wanted PREVIOUS COMMITMENT. WTF! IM NOT Captain SAVE A MARRIED HOE. And then Hell no i ll never know starting time hand how information technology feels to be unhappily married while getting rejected. Simply i know showtime hand WHY i have not dated adult female built-in in the mf 60'southward....considering yaw cRaZy, bitter, hateful, and yaw want the WHOLE Earth TO Endure. Im skillful, on any woman born in the 60's, seventy's, and for damn certain the 80's. Ill stick with want i know and like. All youve done was confirmed why i dont date just ANY WOMAN. Invite Only. No Hoes Allowed.

  4. Ramona Reyes

    you don't know how it feels

  5. Irma Jimenez

    Gainesville whoo !! Let's get to the point let's roll another joint!!

  6. Freddy Freire Aragon

    Miss you, Tom!

  7. Peachy Peach

    No yous don't. . I'chiliad glad I'yard not you lot. And I survived. . Coward.

    Peachy Peach

    Tom piddling is awesome. I grew upwardly to his music.

    Eric Daniels

    Peachy Peach I'm merely kidding

    Smashing Peach

    @Eric Daniels 🤪🤘❣💋😎 Tom is awesome. It's the man who has his name under here. Is the imitation 1. Mrbillder.

    Eric Daniels

    Peachy Peach ok

  8. Juliana Tyler

    "lets curl some other joint"lol im ix i love it my mom smokes weed and it saved her life

    brian jones

    fucking ix lmao #roll5dice

  9. Peter Goettler

    Classic Cool Cuts! All-time of the Best! Thxs.,Merci.(Memory Lawmaking).

  10. Ignacio Carral

    I tin't believe he'due south expressionless.

  11. Jared Wayne

    An ex of mine cheated on me while she was on holiday due west/her parents because I posted this vocal/video to my Facebook(& she assumed I posted it because I was adulterous on her.) When actually, I posted information technology considering I had weed on my mind(it's a song from my high school days I used to oftentimes smoke to.)
    Guess she really didn't "know how it feels to be me", huh???
    Kinda tainted this song for me, but I still rock it anyways. Tom Petty will ever be an awesome choice of tunes to mind to.

  12. Amber Arabie

    Beloved me some Tom Trivial! R.I.P.

  13. nib cur

    I recollect i can tell u what this song is about. A alone loser type picks up a transvestite hooker. Knows so north don't care. Gets busted n in the news. Petty sitting watching tv getting high sees it. Laughs hard. Writes this song in a don't judge me manner on behalf of the busted dude every bit a satire. Imagining himself in that dudes shoes. Maybe he didn't know dude looks like a lady. Either fashion he was so drastic caring vs sexual needs went out the window. The vrs of the song are the ensuing conversation with the prostitute in route to a spot. Secluded so he thought lol. I keep watching the part the dude lady steps in. I think I'm sick. Confused. Attracted to a man who's a hot lady. Dang I'm glad i don't fornicate. It makes u wonder how normal u actually r. If honest u ask am i gay? I say no merely apparently the lines r blurred so bad that sex is sexual practice. No it's non. Pretty sick but funny. Put him w mary jane in the ocean dude. I thought that song was about weed. What practise i know. Ok put .30 seconds on the clock for gay attacks. I don't see a closet. Dang it bothers me I'chiliad attracted to dude

  14. Eaty McEatison

    Tom Piddling, Yous don't know how it feels to exist 25 and to know that you'll never, E'er be able to become to a Tom Petty concert, nor encounter an artist that's even remotely equally good because people seem to value techno and firm much more all all of a sudden.

  15. Lisa Anescavage

    Tom petty is the best him music lives on through him rip Tom piddling you are truly missed amen god bless

  16. Cody Rawdon

    Using me my life and liberty to save other and yous notwithstanding got the nerve to be controlling manipulative and want more

  17. Walton James Wray Anthony Firth

    Tom always has the words in his songs that speak the same words that describe my own self in this crazy world loud and clear

  18. life of

    Yet listen in 2022.. Trump is still the president and we are doing great.

  19. Charles Premo

    Lets go to the signal and lets roll another joint and head down the road !!

  20. Bothand Nether

    The Aureate Standard for kick hihat & snare reference, imo.

    and harmonica/tele.

  21. bill cur

    Miss u tom. Why i got dorsum into not just u but phil and mac. This is then dylan ish. Neil young ish. Wish the satanists would have let u lonely. Satanic sacrificed u. Prince n mj ii. Cobaine and moon. Hendrix and robin. Best song writer arguably ever. American life's pulse

  22. Coalroller 900

    tom petty truly a one of a kind

  23. Anthony Wandowicz

    Thats a dude looking similar a chick at the terminate singing with tom right?

  24. Puppy McGee

    Best American songwriter by far. Pitiful Roy and Bob, I think Tom was better.

  25. Sverre Fredrik Hermansen

    Rest in a piece of fume Prince Petty <3

  26. R.L. Strange

    how does this but take 34mill? WTF world

  27. bigem8241

    Permit me ride wit chu this evening you'll take me on a moonlight ride😑

  28. Nurse Ric

    While listening to this song on either KFOX or KSJO dorsum in the 90's, the lyrics sang "And so lets become to the point, lets hit another joint" :D :D So California!

  29. Tom Brown

    They don't make em like this anymore 😖😖😖

  30. Chief Hacksaw

    One of the greatest to ever alive much love to a legend❤❤

  31. Flossy Dubu

    I am and then sad that i never hear his songs on the radio☹

  32. Betty LinGiza

    Had some of the best times of my life listening to Petty

  33. Mary Catherine


  34. Rita St. John Stiles

    Y'all really don't know how it feels to be me, Tom Petty you the homo, gone way too before long!

  35. kenneth burger

    Striking the spot

  36. Darrian Weathington

    My favorite song by TP

  37. Suzy Ivey

    Watching this brings a tear to my eye . People of my generation lived through the all-time music . Timeless .

  38. King'due south Path

    the lorax movie used this sample in the pic sounds extremely familiar

  39. Andrew Farris

    Then sad hes not hither.i tin assure you self medication is never a good idea.ive done information technology for decades.when we get older merely cant party similar a 30 year one-time.i hope he institute peace.sure did brand so many happy with his music.

  40. jerle schermerhorn

    Is it just me but does Tom wait just a footling similar Adam Sandler?

  41. Raymond Gardner

    Range 79 Ft.Bragg.Northward.C.

  42. Martin Šeško

    Has anyone ever told you wait like Bob Dylan ?

  43. Jennifer Fehr

    i remembered rock out with my parents to this jam man how i miss them so much

  44. Maria Montecino

    Fucking love him!

  45. Rich Parker

    honey this song, love Tom Footling for fucking e'er, you da man Tom, your music like you are eternal and live in all our joke boxed hearts and all the musical juke boxes in our hearts till we graduate to the big concert where we volition finally notice out EXACTLY how we all feel, in perfect harmony together yippeeee! And what a hoe down that will be! There's a whole bunch of grapes and nuts up there I take some long overdue hugs waiting for... For at present, though, got quite a few down here I take not hugged in a while, and a thousand things on my palate I need to finish starting time, aside from whatsoever doobies...

  46. My budys and i used to smoke out with t his s ong playing every bit we hunted deer lol

  47. thomas valeriani

    This song is chosen roll some other joint🙄


    Yeah.. Renamed to promote on television.

  48. Dave Wilson

    raven snow is soooo sexy

  49. Aaron Cox

    Im so glad this kind of music is on youtube. I grew up listening to this, zz top and acceptance clearwater revival with my dad. It brings back and then many great memories. Now im glad i tin can share it with my two sons!

  50. G0d Love

    @Tom Petty. do fucking know how old I was in this fucking timeline before I fifty-fifty knew you really existed like that. Not certain what my point was other than end telling people yous died, That is a dick move even for me or you or whoever told yous that you could bounce out. Full disclosure i say open up the gates all of them. an equality is possible. Give thanks you and i do beloved all even you Tom&Jerry

  51. Larry Wilcox

    Goodbye Tom Petty

  52. TheDawgchew

    All yous people who relate skillful music to decease make these comments CREEPY AF!!!

  53. Janice Saylock

    2019 and Beyond.. Tom Fiddling Rocks🎸

  54. JohnnieDub16

    best harmonica ever!

  55. Peter-Mathieu Kortsmit

    Not IF Just WHEN

    Dedicted to: Yous Don't Know How It Feels past Tom Petty

    "Every minute of every waking hour." – Radio Emaculate Automobile

    i'chiliad being reminded of you and your ways,
    i want you lot and i need you,
    but as i know you want me to suck!

    For every style a fourth dimension and identify,
    now, that i'thousand more than gratis,
    still very mild on intake,
    lets wressel some more...and then…

    Information technology'southward non the range that counts,
    but what y'all can do with it!!!
    ask Robert Palmer.

    How tin can y'all exist so judgemental,
    near a fundament that yous don't even exhale?
    like the lighter sight of the news isn't all that brilliant(er) anyhow!
    only am trying to find my style(s),
    without any assistance any,
    but y'all can help by the trivial things you do and say!

    When you lot don't similar it,
    you're not obliged to,
    but you likewise don't have any duristiction in our pond,
    exist scares or come up on rollin' , rollin' , rolling!!!

    Counting the days that I can puff my breath with you Tom!

    Blessed be,

  56. Lori Wetzel

    Delight help legalize Marijuana:)

  57. Robert Nalu

    Become at me please😪😭 luv that. Burn! Come on I wanna 🔥😉

    Robert Nalu

    🔥 me Bitch!

    Robert Nalu

    Witches on 🐙🐬🐜

    Robert Nalu

    Lets play😘

  58. Bajeezus

    I loved Tom Picayune growing up and ane of my best memories was going to see him in concert in 2007. I remember at one point during a song he was looking out over the oversupply left to right and did a double take directly at me. I was 12 at the time having the time of my life and I like to think he thought for a 2d like "Holy crap a kid these days likes my music?". To this day he'due south both me and my parents' favorite and probably ever volition be!

    Vincent Novick

    That's awesome dude, I wish I would've got to see him live

  59. Michael Wallace

    The best rock ring world rip Tom petty

  60. Mike Kroll

    Long live Dylan

  61. Tyepianoguy

    Owen Wilson is that you?

  62. Calvin Sasse

    Proud to say I was alive when he was..

  63. Jeremy Jones

    Its hard imagine being intimidated by Tom Piddling with a switchblade.

  64. stan hankins

    who is that woman in the video? Or is that a homo?

  65. Karen Stempkoski

    Mr. Thomas Earl Piddling, Lets get to the point, your the man. The all-time. Talented. Real. Honest. Humble. Cute. Natural born entertainer! Better than the beatles. Meliorate than the stones. Let'due south get to the point. Your the homo.

  66. fujichia

    is the radio/mtv edit posted anywhere? i'm looking for the one imprinted on my listen where he says "get to the point / roll another tniojjjj"

  67. Hal Mintel Jr

    rip fable

  68. Susan Kinnan

    Tom Piffling your the man😁

  69. wtennill

    Love Tom...whether your older or 33 like me nosotros all can relate to his music!!! Always a hit anywhere I've been

  70. Amy Leach

    I am then mad that y'all left the states so early on but it'southward considering y'all gave so much to us - maybe too much. I honey and miss you dearly. Thanks for your music.

  71. Sam samuel

    This is the all-time song I ever heard

  72. Sam samuel

    Tom Petty in the house boys

  73. MrBoJangles

    Music is timeless we know it'due south 2019 give thanks you for sharing your listening

  74. Tony Lewis

    Legendary talent

  75. raymond spencer

    who's that woman

  76. How-do-you-do There

    This just sounds similar an ending credits song

  77. Leon Esterhuizen

    Human, this was my soundtrack in 1995. My dad got this album and I brutal in love it.

  78. x101st

    So glad to have seen him in '89!!!

  79. Chris William

    No one does Elton, Ge, ET, Her, Him, Tom, NA, /// matter of fact NATO allience NA TRUMP OWE QT GAS SIPHILER Q

  80. Gypsy Witch

    He always volition be my crush...
    Rest in perfection sweetie...

  81. Mikey_Suze 4

    Tom, I'yard still missing your unique musical style...I can't await to reach Heaven and sing with you lot.

  82. Eddie Romero

    Damn....I miss this guy. :(

  83. sumero brilla tu luz para mi


  84. Regina Plum

    Those optics <three

  85. An McCLO

    so I,
    did it
    back again
    loving, another
    free never
    fixed way
    prayer on
    remembering, the
    best and
    never the
    worst brusk
    story sometimes,
    hurts, but
    in the
    end doubles,
    of e'er,
    finding, there
    madness, keeps,
    me loving,
    ane; stride
    whistling, cleaved

  86. Thomas Groves

    I didn't realize till after he left what a prolific songwriter he was and what a great performer stone on Tom

  87. Premonition45

    Happy 25th anniversary, "Wildflowers".

  88. Brandon Weilburg

    You were stoned on drugs at all times! I know how information technology feels to be doped upward, I've been to the dentist....

  89. Long Shadow

    Another 1 of OUR Music Superstars TAKEN OUT Before There there Time ot Non

  90. Joe Schmo

    Many ounces of God'southward gift were enjoyed listening to this song. Was always the showtime to my personal chill out sessions :)

  91. Dan

    Tom Piffling was, and always will exist the homo. Period.

  92. Mike Mason

    Hell, i was old fifty-fifty dorsum when the song was new. 😉

  93. Samantha Galloway

    Miss you tombir the real king

  94. A CasualName

    He died the 24-hour interval I turned 18 :(

  95. FreedomFighter777 endtimes

    I first heard this in Mr. Deeds (adam Sandler'due south) been listening to tom since them

  96. Larry Wilcox

    Goodbye Tom little

  97. Frankie Jasso

    Dearest this song the simply vocal that I know how to play drums too


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