Eta 750b Shoul I Put Main Address for the School

Unit 74- Part A

Unit 74- Part B

galka.jpg We use prison, hospital, university, college and church in a similar way. We do not use the when we are thinking of the general idea of these places and what they are used for. Compare:

    Ken's brother is in prison for robbery.
(He is a prisoner. We are not thinking of a specific prison.)
    Ken went to the prison to visit his brother.
(He went as a visitor, not as a prisoner.)
    Joe had an accident last week. He was taken to hospital. He's still in hospital now.   (as a patient)     Jane has gone to the hospital to visit Joe. She's at the hospital now.   (as a visitor)
    When I leave school, I want to go touniversity/college.     Excuse me, where is the university, please? (= the university buildings)
    Sally's father goes to church every Sunday.  (to a religious service)     Some workmen went to the church to repair the roof. (not for a religious service)

With most other places, you need the. For example, the cinema, the bank
(see Unit 72C and Unit 73D).

Unit 74- Part C

galka.jpg Bed    work    home
We say go to bed / be in bed etc. (not the bed):
    It's time to go to bed now.
    Do you ever have breakfast in bed?

but I sat down on the bed. (a specific piece of furniture)

go to work / be at work / start work / finish work
etc. {not the work):
    Chris didn't go to work yesterday.
    What time do you usually finish work?

go home / come home / arrive home / get home / be at home
etc. :
    It's late. Let's go home.
    Will you be at home tomorrow afternoon?

Unit 74- Part D

galka.jpg We say go to sea / be at sea (without the) when the meaning is 'go/be on a voyage':

    Keith works on ships. He is at sea most of the time.
but     I'd like to live near the sea.
    It can be dangerous to swim in the sea.


{slide=1 Complete each sentence using a preposition.}flag.jpg Complete each sentence using a preposition (to/at/in etc.) + one of these words:
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    to school
3    at home
4    to work
5    in hospital
6    at university
7    in bed
8    to prison{end-tooltip}

{xtypo_rounded3}bed        home hospital       hospital       prison       school       university       work{/xtypo_rounded3}

1    Two people were injured in the accident and were taken    to hospital.
2    In Britain, children from the age of five have to go ______________.
3    Mark didn't go out last night. He stayed ______________.
4    There is a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody is going ______________.
5    Cathy's mother has just had an operation. She is still ______________.
6    When Julia leaves school, she wants to study economics ______________.
7    Bill never gets up before 9 o'clock. It's 8.30 now, so he is still ______________.
8    If you commit a serious crime, you could be sent ______________. {/slide} {slide=2 Complete the sentences with the word given.}flag.jpg Complete the sentences with the word given (school etc.). Use the where necessary.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}1    с   school
d   school
e   … get home from school … The school isn't very-far.
f    school
g   the school
2    a   university
b   university
c   the university
3    a   hospital
b   the hospital … the hospital
с    hospital
4    a   church
b   church
с   the church
5    a   prison
b   the prison
с   prison
6    a   bed
b   home
с    work
d   bed
e   work
f    work
7    a    the sea
b   sea
с   the sea{end-tooltip}

1 (school)
a   Every term parents are invited to   the school to meet the teachers.
b   Why aren't your children at   school today? Are they ill?
с   When he was younger, Ted hated ____________.
d   What time does ____________ usually start in the mornings in your country?
e   A: How do your children get home from ____________? By bus?
B: No, they walk. ____________ isn't very far.
f   What sort of job does Jenny want to do when she leaves ____________?
g  There were some people waiting outside ____________ to meet their children.
2 (university)
a   In your country do many people go to ____________?
b   If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study at ____________.
с   This is only a small town, but ____________ is one of the biggest in the country.
3 (hospital)
a   My brother has always been very healthy. He's never been in ____________.
b   When Ann was ill, I went to ____________ to visit her. When I was there, I met Lisa who is a nurse at ____________.
с   Peter was injured in an accident and was kept in ____________ for a few days.
4 (church)
a   John's mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to ____________ every Sunday.
b  John himself doesn't go to ____________.
с   John went to ____________ to take some photographs of the building.
5 (prison)
a   In some places people are in ____________ because of their political beliefs.
b   A few days ago the fire brigade were called to ____________ to put out a fire.
с   The judge decided to fine the man £500 instead of sending him to ____________.
6 (home/work/bed)
a    I like to read in ____________ before I go to sleep.
b    It's nice to travel around, but there's no place like ____________!
с    Shall we meet after ____________ tomorrow evening?
d    If I'm feeling tired, I go to ____________ early.
e    What time do you usually start ____________ in the morning?
f    The economic situation was very bad. Many people were out of ____________.
7 (sea)
a   There's a nice view from the window. You can see ____________.
b   It was a long voyage. We were at ____________ for four weeks.
с   I love swimming in ____________. {/slide}

Деловой английский все чаще используется не только в международных, но и в российских компаниях. В последние годы курсы делового английского превратились в необходимую составляющую профессионального и карьерного роста.

Eta 750b Shoul I Put Main Address for the School


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