Book Review of the Life of Jesus From Mtf

What is the Didache Series

Written in the starting time century, the Didache [DID-uh-kay] is the first known Christian catechesis and the earliest known Christian writing outside of Scripture. The name of the piece of work, Didache, is appropriate for such a catechesis considering it comes from the Greek discussion for "educational activity" and indicates that this writing contains the didactics of the Apostles and, equally such, it is the teaching of the Church.

Today, the virtually comprehensive catechesis is the Canon of the Catholic Church. The Didache Series presents the life and doctrine of the Catholic Church in the context of the Canon of the Catholic Church and the teachings of Vatican II as witnessed by the pontificates of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. The series likewise draws from Sacred Scripture, the lives of the Saints, and the Doctors and Fathers of the Church building.

The Didache Serial has been published since 2003 at the invitation of Francis Fundamental George of the Archdiocese of Chicago, who requested a series of "texts that would set up out clearly and adequately the instruction of the Cosmic Church." Each textbook of the Didache Series has been institute to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the USCCB.

The Didache Series is comprised of 3 separate sub-series:

  • the Consummate Class,
  • the Semester Edition,
  • and the Parish Edition.

The Didache Series: Complete Course

The Didache Complete Course is comprised of four books, each designed to be covered in the form of i academic year. At the request of many schools, Midwest Theological Forum volition proceed to offer this series in improver to the new Didache Semester Form prepared in accordance with the USCCB Curriculum Framework.

Introduction to Catholicism

Introduction to Catholicism: 2nd Edition

An introduction to the teachings of the Cosmic Church and an in-depth explanation of what it ways to exist Catholic. The Universal Call to Holiness is the main theme throughout the book. Topics include the Blessed Trinity, the Church, the Creed, Sacred Scripture, the Seven Sacraments, the Ten Commandments, and the lives of the Saints.

Understanding the Scriptures

Understanding the Scriptures

Authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, this volume presents a thorough examination of the history of conservancy as presented in Sacred Scripture, which finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. It studies Divine Revelation through its sources in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Cosmic Church. An first-class resource for biblical studies.

History of the Church

The History of the Church

This book presents the story of God's intervention into human history from the Incarnation until the present day. It emphasizes God as the Lord of history and his deportment that demonstrate his love for his People. An excellent resource for anyone seeking to know more almost the history of the Catholic Church.

Our Moral Life in Christ

Our Moral Life in Christ

A detailed written report of the moral life in Christ-based on his teachings in the Gospels, the X Commandments, and the Beatitudes-which enable Christians, with God's grace, to imitate the life of Christ in their lives, to make right moral decisions, and to spread the Kingdom of God on globe in their journey toward eternal conservancy. This book presents the life of Christ and his teachings as the basis of moral theology.

Didache Series: Semester Edition

The Didache Semester Course, published by Midwest Theological Forum, has been designed to help students come to know Jesus Christ-true God and true man-and his teachings equally transmitted through the Catholic Church. This Series presents a comprehensive written report of the Creed, the Ten Command­­ments, the Beatitudes, the sacraments, and Christian morality focusing on the Canon of the Cosmic Church building, Sacred Scripture, the teachings of the Magisterium, and the Fathers of the Church building. Its Christological approach examines the Church every bit an encounter with Christ and provides the students with apologetical tools and practical means for living the Cosmic Faith. Prepared in Accordance with the USCCB curriculum Framework (2007). Educatee Workbooks and Teacher's Manuals are likewise available for all titles.

6 Cadre Subjects

Faith and Revelation

Knowing God Through Sacred Scripture

This volume, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, presents a basic understanding of Sacred Scripture equally the inspired Word of God and how it conveys God'southward Revelation to his People, as well as teaching the students how to read the Bible. Particular attention is focused on the Gospels as the message of Jesus Christ, who is the fullness of Revelation.This book corresponds to Book I: The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture in the curriculum framework.

The Blessed Trinity

and Our Christian Vocation

Analyzes the Divine Life of God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-as revealed in Sacred Scripture. It studies the Christian vocation and how God invites us to be in communion with him, so that we can share in the divine life that he has prepared for us from all eternity. It also helps the student to sympathize what it ways to be a disciple of Christ. This volume corresponds to Book II: Who Is Jesus Christ? in the curriculum framework.

The Mystery of Redemption

and Christian Discipleship, 2d Edition

Examines the need for Redemption subsequently the Fall; the promise of Redemption renewed throughout the Old Testament; and the Redemption achieved by the Passion, Decease, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, equally well as its application in the life of each Christian. It also shows how the Holy Mass is a perpetuation of the Paschal Mystery in our lives. This book corresponds to Book III: The Mission of Jesus Christ (The Paschal Mystery) in the curriculum framework.

The Church

IV. THE Church building:
Sacrament of Salvation

This book, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, shows how the Church continues the salvific ministry building of Christ in the globe today, guided by the Holy Spirit. As the Sacrament of Salvation, the People of God, and the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church building is the point of encounter between the faithful and the risen Lord and the kickoff of the communion that will reach its fulfillment in Heaven. This book corresponds to Book Iv: Jesus Christ'south Mission Continues in the World Today (The Church) in the curriculum framework.

The Sacraments

Source of Our Life in Christ

Through his cracking love for united states of america, Jesus Christ suffered and died for our redemption, and he desires to share the grace he won for us with every person. Christ entrusted the sacraments to the Church equally one of the primary means by which nosotros receive God's grace. This book examines each sacrament every bit a source of grace and an intimate encounter with Jesus Christ and the liturgy as the public worship of the Church. This volume corresponds to Volume Five: Sacraments equally Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ in the curriculum framework.

Our Moral Life

(Semester Edition)

A semester edition of the Complete Grade textbook, this book presents a study of the moral life in Christ-based on his teachings in the Gospels, the 10 Commandments, and the Beatitudes-which enable Christians, with God's grace, to imitate the life of Christ in their lives, to make correct moral decisions, and to spread the Kingdom of God on earth in their journey toward eternal salvation. This book corresponds to Book Half-dozen: Life in Jesus Christ in the curriculum framework.


Understanding the Scriptures

(Semester Edition)

This book, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, presents a thorough examination of the history of salvation as presented in Sacred Scripture, which finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. It studies Divine Revelation through its sources in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. An excellent resource for biblical studies. This volume corresponds to Elective A: Scripture in the curriculum framework.

History of the Church

(Semester Edition)

A semester edition of the Complete Course textbook, this volume presents the story of God's intervention into human history from the Incarnation until the present day. Information technology emphasizes God equally the Lord of history and his actions that demonstrate his dear for his People. An excellent resource for anyone seeking to know more about the history of the Cosmic Church building. This book corresponds to Elective B: History of the Catholic Church building in the curriculum framework.

The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

(Semester Edition)

This course will introduce students to the social teaching of the Catholic Church. The student will learn how Christ's business concern for others, specially the poor and needy, is nowadays today in the Church's social teaching and mission. Topics include: the unity of the whole man race, social teachings in Scripture, distributive, legal, commutative, and social justice, the necessity of the moral law, a sampling of contempo pastoral messages, the nobility of human being life, and the social dimension of the Commandments. This book corresponds to Constituent C - Living as a Disciple of Jesus Christ in Society in the curriculum framework.

Vocations & the Universal Call to Holiness

(Semester Edition)

This course examines the universal call to holiness and its importance in the Christian life. It too analyzes the unique plan that God has for every person in the vocations to Wedlock, Holy Orders, the consecrated life, or the committed single life. Finally, it explains how each person can prayerfully discern the will of God in his or her own life. This volume corresponds to Elective D: Responding to the Call of Jesus Christ in the curriculum framework.

Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue

(Semester Edition)

This class will assist the student in understanding the mode in which the Cosmic Church building relates to not-Catholic Christians likewise as to other religions. Building on the foundational truth that Jesus Christ established in the Cosmic Church and entrusted to her the fullness of God's Revelation, this course is intended to help students to recognize the ways in which important spiritual truths can also be found in non-Cosmic Christian churches and ecclesial communities besides as in not-Christian religions. This book corresponds to Elective E - Ecumenical and Interreligious Issues in the curriculum framework.

Didache Series: Parish Edition

Created in accordance with the USCCB Curriculum Framework for Parish and Youth Ministry building Programs, Midwest Theological Forum has adjusted its well-known Didache Semester Series textbooks for Catholic High Schools into an piece of cake-to-use format for parishes and home report programs. Each of the eight Didache Semester titles has been divided into private weekly lessons intended to exist covered over the form of ane semester. The full-color, illustrated text provides aplenty cavalcade material, which includes:

  • Vocabulary terms, Focus Questions,
  • Guided Exercises,
  • Word,
  • Questions,
  • and quotes from the YouCat.

Presenter Guides are available for all Didache Parish Edition titles.

Faith And Revelation

Faith And Revelation: Parish Edition

This offset volume of the Didache Parish Series, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, presents a basic understanding of Sacred Scripture as the inspired Word of God. It examines both the Onetime and New Testaments with particular attention focused on the Gospels equally the message of Jesus Christ. This text also explains how to read and reference the Bible.

The Blessed Trinity

The Blessed Trinity: Parish Edition

This second book of the series examines the mystery of the Blessed Trinity - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - every bit revealed in Sacred Scripture. Themes include discussion of the Blessed Trinity as ane God in 3 Divine Persons, Pentecost, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the intercessor for mankind.

The Mystery of Redemption: Parish Edition

The Mystery of Redemption: Parish Edition

This text examines our need for Redemption, and presents how the salvific promise fabricated to our first parents is fulfilled by Jesus Christ. It discusses the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ and its application in the life of each Christian. It also discusses how the Holy Mass is a perpetuation of the Paschal Mystery in our lives.

The Church: Parish Edition

The Church: Parish Edition

This text, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, presents how the Church, established by Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit, continues the salvific ministry of Christ in the world today. Themes include the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, the Universal Call to Holiness, the Marks of the Church, and the teaching authority of the Church.

The Sacraments: Parish Edition

The Sacraments: Parish Edition

Jesus Christ, through his bang-up love for u.s.a., instituted the Sacraments and entrusted them to the Church building. This book examines each Sacrament equally a primary source of grace and an intimate run into with Jesus Christ. Each of the Seven Sacraments is presented in its ain chapter.

Our Moral Life in Christ: Parish Edition

Our Moral Life in Christ: Parish Edition

A study of living the moral life in Christ based on teachings in the Gospels, the Ten Commandments, and the Beatitudes. The text shows how nosotros, as Christians, with God'southward grace, tin imitate the life of Christ, making correct moral decisions, and spreading the word of the Kingdom of God on globe.

Understanding the Scriptures: Parish Edition

Understanding the Scriptures: Parish Edition

Based on the highly popular original Didache textbook, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, this text presents an examination of the history of conservancy equally presented in Sacred Scripture, which finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Covering both the Old and New Testaments, it studies Divine Revelation through its source in Sacred Scripture.

The History of the Church: Parish Edition

The History of the Church: Parish Edition

In the final of the Parish Edition titles, this text discusses the rich history of the Catholic Organized religion, from the Incarnation until the nowadays day. Information technology shows how the Christian Faith, throughout pivotal points in history and in various parts of the globe, has shaped society.

Student Workbooks and Teacher's Manuals are only available for titles of the Complete Form Edition and the Semester Edition.

The Didache Series has been published since 2003 at the invitation of Francis Cardinal George of the Archdiocese of Chicago, who requested a series of "texts that would set out clearly and adequately the instruction of the Cosmic Church building." Each textbook of the Didache Serial has been establish to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the USCCB.

The Didache Series textbooks are used by Catholic high schools, homeschools, developed education classes, families, and individuals.


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