Pallet to Pallet I Am Finished and So the Next Pallet Takes the Pressure Until It Is My Again

Install a Pallet Wall The Easy Way

Hey everyone!  I'm and so excited to share this post with you today.  It's a project that has been on my listing for quite some time and I'm happy to say that I finally get to bank check it off!  I have been wanting to give the hallway between my boys' bedrooms an update for a while.  Information technology was pretty boring and I wanted it to have some interest.  Information technology's non a large hallway, just with our open up floorplan, you see it from well-nigh every vantage indicate.  I thought that a pallet wall would be the perfect solution to liven information technology up a bit.  The best part?  I didn't accept to interruption down a Single pallet!  Yep, you read that correct.  No prying, pounding or cutting was needed for me to get these gorgeous pallet boards.  I recently discovered that Crates and Pallet sold already cleaved down pallets online from Habitation Depot.  At effectually $26 for a total pallet, it'southward a great bargain compared to buying an assembled pallet and breaking it down yourself.

Before I get into how I installed this pallet wall, I should inform you that I was sent these pallets and compensated for this post byCrates and Pallet.  That being said, this was a projection I was planning to exercise anyway, and I was already going to purchase this pallet wood from Home Depot.

pallet wall - before

The hallway wall I wanted to install the pallet boards on was nearly 40 foursquare anxiety.  Not as well big, so I received four whole broken down pallets to work with.


Earlier I got started, I sanded all of the boards down with 220 dust sandpaper.  I wanted to become off any of the crude spots so my boys didn't end up with splinters if they rubbed (or pushed each other) against the wall.


Before you lot install the pallet boards, you want to paint the wall they're going on a dark color.  Pallets are non perfect and no affair how hard yous attempt, there will be a gap or two here and at that place.  The night wall color hides those gaps for you.  I happened to have some black paint in my garage cabinet so I grabbed it and speedily painted the wall.  I didn't fifty-fifty practice that good of a job, just a quick unmarried coat.


Yous don't need many materials to install the boards.  I used liquid nails and my brad nailer.  On the other side of this wall is my boys' bathroom and I didn't want to recreate the great flood of 2010 when nosotros hit our water main while installing chair railing in my youngest's bedroom, and then I went with shorter brad nails (ane ane/four″) to avoid hitting the plumbing in the wall.  Really, I merely wanted them to hold the boards in place until the liquid nails dried.  Proceed in heed that this method means that you lot'll be replacing your drywall if you lot ever make up one's mind to take it downwardly.


I started from the ceiling and worked my way down.  I knew that I wouldn't take a whole piece when I finished this and I preferred that it exist at the lesser rather than the top of the wall.


I worked my fashion down the wall, trying to brand certain that I changed things up with the pattern to arrive equally random as I could.  The pallet boards aren't all the same width, so you want to be careful non to become too carried away with installing the whole boards and cutting after.  I concluded up having to rip some of the boards down to make them the correct width.  Some of the boards were in keen shape and some were pretty rough, then I used those uneven or broken pieces when I needed to rip something down.


I tried to mix up the colors as much as possible and keep the boards level.  I didn't grab my level too ofttimes, but sometimes I'd check if things looked off.  When it was finished, I ended upwards with a 2 1/two″ strip on the bottom of the wall that I needed to rip the boards down to fit.  I chose to keep the baseboard on the wall, just it's just personal preference.


I got pretty lucky with the thermostat on the wall.  Working my way from the ceiling, it ended right at the top of the thermostat.  I had to make just a couple of little cuts to fit the boards around information technology, only I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was.


The finished wall looks improve than I even imagined!  I find myself staring at it every fourth dimension I walk past.  It adds and then much dimension to this hallway and really makes the ceiling look taller!  I honey the random colors and weathered look of the boards.  My favorite is the weathered grey oak slice in the middle.  I'm definitely happy nearly the fact that I didn't have to suspension downward any of the pallets for this projection.  It made the task so much easier.  I spaced information technology out over two days (paint one mean solar day, pallets the next), just that was more because I was working on 10 projects at once.  Realistically, this entire project could be finished in just one day.  I'1000 fifty-fifty thinking I'll lodge some more than for a few other walls in my house.

I have even more plans for this hallway that I tin't wait to share with y'all, so stay tuned!

DISCLOSURE:  I was provided products and bounty for this postal service.  I would non share a product with you lot that I did not truly believe in and all opinions of this product are 100% my own.  This mail service contains affiliate links for your convenience.  Please click to read my full disclosure statement.

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