Amish Cream Beef Over Mashed Potatoes

It is a very cute twenty-four hour period outside with the sunday shining and then brightly. The sun is welcome someday and is much appreciated for our solar system. With gas prices and then loftier, nosotros don't similar to employ the generator more than necessary. Nosotros run a generator to charge up our battery packs when the sun doesn't shine for too many days in a row. Our solar power runs 2 freezers, water and some lights in our pole barn. On days we wash laundry it takes more power. Also, with everyone showering and pumping water to the horses each 24-hour interval, it takes quite a fleck.

Nosotros are all finished with our beef now. What a relief! On Friday evening we cutting upwardly all four quarters of beef. The steaks were cut out, beefiness chunks cut up, etc., and so the residual was ready to grind for hamburger. On Sabbatum the hamburger was ground and the steaks, T-bones, etc., sliced. Most of the meat was vacuum sealed on Saturday. Some of the hamburger we waited to package until Monday. The meat filled our freezers, and Dustin and Loretta took their half domicile to put in their freezer.

These jars of canned beef were recently prepared by Lovina and family.

On Monday, daughter Loretta and I canned some hamburger and beef chunks. Son Joseph didn't have to piece of work because of the atmospheric condition, then we were glad for his help to vacuum seal the hamburger and pack information technology in the freezers.

On Monday while nosotros were packaging, Uncle Joe and Aunt Betty stopped in to say hi. They had brought sis Verena dwelling house. She had spent a calendar week out in Berne, Indiana, with sister Liz and Levi. Most of the winter Verena had been staying with us or sister Emma.

Sat, nosotros plan to go help daughters Susan and Verena cutting up two quarters of beef to put in their freezer.

Next on the agenda is to start doing some spring cleaning. Lord willing, we will host church services in May.

We accept been enjoying rare beef, every bit we call it, since we butchered our beef. We piece the tenderest steaks very thin and put table salt and pepper on both sides so swirl it in hot oil once and flip it over and swirl one again and it's done. Information technology is very adept and our family loves it.

Saturday morning time, I made fried eggs and potatoes with some fresh salary (from our recent pork butchering). Then I also had to fry up the cow brains for Joe and some of our children that like them.

Sunday evening our whole family was here for supper. Babe Andrea gets enough of attention. She is such a sweetie, just similar all my grandchildren are. All you lot grandmas out in that location know the precious feeling of grandchildren, I'chiliad sure.

For those readers that always say they like to hear our menus, I'll share what I made Sun night with the help of my daughters. We had mashed potatoes, beef gravy, macaroni and cheese, light-green beans, grilled T-basic and steak, sliced Colby cheese, cookies and ice cream. The menfolk grilled the meat.

I still have paper plates left over from my trip to Sam's Social club before Dustin and Loretta'south wedding. On nights when the whole family is hither, it makes it easier to use those and do less dish washing. It gives us more fourth dimension to just visit. It is such a approving to be able to work together as a family and get food stored for another year. God is good, and may His many blessings reach across the miles to all of you!

I am going to share my sister Susan's recipe she wrote of beef and gravy when I told her how to brand it. She wanted to write it downwardly years ago and then she would call up information technology. RIP Susan.

Beef and Gravy

four heaping tablespoons flour

1 pint canned beefiness chunks

1 medium onion

Potato h2o (saved from cooking potatoes)

Put 4 heaping tablespoons of flour in a pan and brownish flour until it's dark. Allow flour cool. In a three½-quart kettle, empty 1 pint of beef and put in ii pints of water and 1 whole onion. When it starts to boil, take out beef and put in irish potato h2o. If you don't accept spud water, and so use water. Add extra water as needed. Mix the cooled flour and water to make a thickening until information technology is just a little watery. And so mix the beef and thickening in the kettle until information technology boils again. Remove the onion earlier serving.

Lovina'due south Amish Kitchen is written past Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, married woman, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at PO Box 1689, Southward Holland, IL 60473 (please include a cocky-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email and your bulletin volition be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.


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