How to Cook Beef So It Isn't Chewy

How to Exist a Cook Who Cooks Tender, Juicy Meat Every Single Time


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Nosotros're covering meat today. Reddish meats like beef, lamb, and pork are among the most expensive and luxurious ingredients we use in the kitchen, and if y'all eat meat, you lot probably don't want to waste matter a scrap. If y'all find all those cuts of beef confusing, if you're never sure how to handle a raw steak, or if you've ever faced a dry, tough cut on your plate and wondered what you could have done better, today's lesson is for you.

Why Meat?

Meat is more than loved, and more than reviled, than perhaps always before in history. Despite a huge ascension in the popularity of a vegetarian lifestyle, about 95 percent of Americans nonetheless consume meat on a regular or semi-regular footing. Red meat is a staple source of protein, and a foundational ingredient on many plates. Depression-carb and ketogenic diets are however rising, with their focus on fats and animal proteins. And yet nosotros know that meat production is resources-intensive, and nosotros try here at Kitchn to exist thoughtful in our uses of animal protein, using information technology wisely and wringing the most flavour out of a smaller amount. If y'all want to apply reddish meat well, as a cook, without waste or ever feeling like y'all've ruined a good chop or roast, it all starts here.

Start Here: The Basics of Meat

An Anatomy Lesson in three Parts

Whether we're talking near cows, lambs, or pigs, there are 3 major areas, or cuts, that meat comes from: the shoulders and legs (or shanks), the loin and ribs (or middle expanse), and the haunches (back thighs and legs). These chief cuts pause down into smaller cuts — likewise many and various to mention individually — but the expanse the meat comes from tells you a lot about how to cook information technology, and how it will taste.

  • Legs, shoulders and dorsum legs/haunches tend to be tougher merely more flavorful, since they're doing more than work and getting more than practise (this will brand an even bigger divergence on pasture-raised and grass-fed meat).
  • The loin and ribs tend to be much more tender (filet mignon comes from this area) but usually offer milder flavor.

Tender Cuts of Meat: Cook Fast!

Tender cuts from the back (loin) region are quick-cooking cuts. These are cuts like ribeye, sirloin, strip steak, pork chops, and tenderloin. These cuts don't need much cooking to make them taste awesome.

One of the best things yous can practice with cuts like this is to sear the exterior of the meat over loftier heat, with a cast-iron pan or on a grill, and then go on cooking it just long enough to exist safe to eat, but not and then long that the proteins begin to seize upward and the meat turns tough. This is why nigh chefs and restaurants tend to recommend steaks medium-rare over well-done.

It used to exist believed that searing meat could "seal in the juices," but that's not true. (Otherwise y'all could cook it however long you want later it was seared and it would stay juicy!) Searing actually creates a chemical change where the protein touches the pan or the fire — essentially caramelizing it. It adds all kinds of complicated flavors to the steak, just the important matter to note is that information technology makes meat really, really yummy.

Shredded beef (from chuck roast) cooking low and slow in the deadening cooker.

Tougher Cuts of Meat: Melt Ho-hum.

Cuts from the shoulders and rear of the animate being (beef chuck, round roast, pork shoulder, and pork butt amidst them) volition taste dry out and chewy if you don't let them cook long plenty — usually at least an 60 minutes or more than. They're often seared first, then braised or otherwise kept moist in a irksome cooker, soup, or stew. The ho-hum cooking might cause the meat to become slightly tougher in the very beginning, simply over fourth dimension the connective tissues break down and the meat becomes tender and delicious.

If Y'all Learn Just One Thing Today …

Any meat that y'all desire to be delicious should be bravely, boldly, nearly recklessly seared, going for bankrupt and riding a ragged border between browned and burnt. Timid searing and browning is admittedly no skilful. You want a hit of HEAT on that meat, so exist a brave soul and lay it on whether it's a New York strip steak, chunks of stew meat, a pot roast that'll braise for hours, or even just ground beef going into a weeknight dinner. To practise this, you want to practise several things.

  1. Make sure the meat is thoroughly dried. Water will go along the meat from getting hot enough as it touches the pan. If it'south not basis, pat it dry with a paper towel or make clean dish towel.
  2. Get the pan hot. Really hot. This doesn't hateful yous need the highest flame — medium-high can work — but let the pan sit down there for a little while, then it comes all the mode up to an unflagging hot temperature.
  3. Lastly, and potentially the trickiest step, let the meat melt totally undisturbed. One time the meat hits the pan, you should hear it sizzle. (If it doesn't, remove it immediately — the pan is not hot enough.) Once that happens, give it a few minutes for the searing to really take place (really! Use a clock!), and for the meat to darken and brown. Flip when the meat smells caramelized and dark — this is a identify to apply your nose. Nudge the meat with a spatula; if information technology sticks it probably hasn't adult a adept crust yet. When it releases cleanly you're getting there.

What Y'all Don't Need to Acquire

Boneless top blade? Sirloin chop? Bottom round roast? There are more names for cuts of meat (beef, pork, or lamb) than anyone other than a trained butcher can go on rail of. And, confusingly, some cuts go by several names. They're non worth memorizing. Instead, inquire your butcher where on the brute the cut is coming from, and maybe ask for a recommendation on how to cook it.

Failing that, hither'southward a good rule of pollex: If it's a smaller, thinner piece or has lots of marbling, cook it apace on the stove. If it looks big plenty to serve a crowd — or if you see lots of tough-looking chewy tissues — plan on roasting, braising, or deadening cooking.

Level Up! Meat Cooking Pro Tips

Dry Brining

Dry brining is a elementary technique that can lead to ethereal results. Simply rub common salt (and any herbs you want to use) into the meat and so identify it on a rack (so air can broadcast) on the lesser shelf of a fridge for several hours, and up to a day or two. This achieves three important things: The salt draws out juices from the meat, which and so reabsorb the (now salty) juice, and then the seasoning isn't just on the surface. The salt also breaks down some of the proteins, tenderizing the meat. And finally the cool air dries out the surface of the meat — and as we noted to a higher place, this helps create a superior sear.

Testing for Doneness

The final thing you desire, especially when pan-searing or grilling a steak, is overcooked meat. Only some folks are squeamish virtually undercooked meat and you don't want to exist constantly cut into a steak to run across how pinkish it is in the heart! What'south a cook to do? You accept 2 options. The first (and frankly, the safest) is to invest in a good meat thermometer. We have a recommendation in our gear guide below, just as long as it'south accurate and easy to read, any 1 will practise. The FDA recommends that the internal temperature for any meat too craven should be at to the lowest degree 145°F (yes, even for pork). At this temperature, steak will be done medium-well. A medium-rare steak is only nearly 125°F internally. Hither's a nautical chart comparing doneness and temperatures. (You lot don't have to memorize all the temps — only the ones for your favorite level of doneness.)

But for steak in particular, if you're somehow without a thermometer, there'south a neat little fob for knowing when the meat is rare, medium-rare, medium-well, or well-done: It's called the finger test, and it involves pressing on the steak, and comparing the firmness to the fleshy part of your hand under your thumb, when your thumb is touching each of the other iv fingers on your mitt. You can read this explanation or merely watch information technology in the video in a higher place.

Slicing and Serving

Finally, when slicing up a steak to serve it (on a salad, for instance) or simply to swallow, try noticing the grain of the steak — the direction in which the muscle tissue runs — and and so cut perpendicular across the grain, and then you've got lots of brusque fibers, and not parallel along the grain. This will help the meat fall apart as you lot chew, making it taste more tender and less chewy.

Our Favorite Gear

We accept recommendations for basic gear on our equipment checklist, merely here are a few more than tools specifically for vegetables that can save fourth dimension, and frustration.

  • An instant-read thermometer will help you cook everything from chops to shoulders to the exact temperature yous need.
  • If you merely accept a nonstick skillet, information technology won't work well for searing steak. A cast iron pan works all-time for this kind of cooking.
  • Nosotros've recommended them earlier, simply tongs are too particularly useful for flipping a steak or chop.
  • A cooling rack that fits into a sheet pan volition assistance dry-brine meats.

5 Essential Meat Recipes

All of our assignments have three options, depending on how much fourth dimension you have today. Do what you tin can; come up back for more later!

15-Minute Assignment: Scout & Read

If you haven't yet, lookout man the crash form video to a higher place. Later that, read these bones primers. If you could choice simply one thing from all this information, what would you like to try commencement?

30-Infinitesimal Assignment: Practice!

Read our guide to cooking stovetop steak, and so brand a pan-seared steak. Apply a nicely marbled cut of steak if you can become information technology. If possible, delay this assignment for a night (or wait until the weekend) and season your steak 24 hours ahead. If not, flavour but before cooking. Allow the pan get properly hot, so sear it on both sides, and cook it to your desired doneness. If yous have a thermometer, apply that, if not, employ the finger method (watch the video to encounter how).

Bank check your work: Earlier cutting it, inspect the steak: How crispy is the exterior? Now remove a piece (against the grain). Is it done to the degree yous were aiming? Compare it to this doneness chart. And finally, taste it. Write down your all-time description of the flavors.

xc-Infinitesimal Assignment: Stretch Yourself

Make a beef stew from scratch. This is a longer projection, so yous may want to arroyo this on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Use flavorful, tougher chuck roast, or another shoulder or leg cut. Practice the searing technique, making certain the beef is properly dried and the pan is hot. Follow the rest of the recipe closely.

Check your work: During footstep three, audit the seared meat. How crispy is it? How well is it seared? Afterwards the stew has cooked, bite into the meat and write down your all-time description of the flavors. How tender is the meat? How chewy?

What It Takes to Be a Steak Practiced

Cooking meat well takes practice. Information technology's not like shooting fish in a barrel to go every technique perfect the commencement time, so if the assignment didn't plough out the way you hoped, don't lose middle. Keep practicing, when yous can, with the same recipe, until y'all feel comfy with it. And be brave! Learning to be bold enough to become your pan very, very hot, and to leave meat long enough to properly sear earlier moving it tin have time.

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You can besides join your Kitchn Cooking School accomplice in our Kitchn Facebook group, which is devoted to all things Cooking School this month.


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